At this year’s final wine tasting, Istria’s champions conquered the Gourmet zone. Even though the wines were out of the competition for the title of the 2017 ATP Wine, the venue was filled to capacity.
The event showcased award-winning Istrian wines by Kozlović, Benvenuti, Vina Istria (Laguna), and Degrassi, and for the first time this year, a non-Istrian wine, Badel’s Korlat. After tasting them and hearing about these top-quality wines, the guests were given an opportunity to win a bottle of each wine. The sommelier Emil Perdec then asked them several questions about the wines and those who had carefully listened to what he had been saying earlier, had no problem answering them.
The wine story will end today, with the 2017 ATP Wine award ceremony, which starts at 7 PM.