Last year's winner of ATP Croatia Open Umag tournament Alexandr Dolgopolov answered some of your questions today on live chat!
Here are some answers:
SEEKER: Nekad si bio hit među tenisačima zbog svoje igre
i raznolikih rješenja, ali sad više pažnje privlačiš frizurom. Da
li bi se ošišao u zamjenu za Top 10? (once you were a hit among
players because of your game and solutions but now you attract more
attention with your hairstyle. Would you cut your hair in exchange
for a Top 10 position?)
DOLGO: I would easily cut my hair if that would help get me in Top
10 position.. :) (Rado bi se ošišao ako bi mi to pomoglo da uđem u
Top 10 :) )
LUKA: Who is your favourite chair umpire?
DOLGO: don't have one.
LUKA: Favourite tennis shot?
DOLGO: drop shot
MARK: What was your most embarrassing moment on and off
the court?
DOLGO: once I was running for a drop shot, I couldn't keep my
balance and fell over the net... but mostly, I never get embarresed
with anything and I usually laugh about it
DRAGANA: Who would you consider your best friend on
DOLGO: all the Russian speaking players
BOB: What was the biggest lie you ever told a
DOLGO: I see no sense in lying.. I don't have much things that
interest journalists to lie to them
ANNA: I heard you're playing a match this evening at 8
against hostesses, who do you think will win? Will you let the
prettiest one win?
DOLGO: Are you the prettiest one writing? :)
DRAGAN: I have read that you're making internet games.
Where can i find your games?
DOLGO: I used to do that but no more time left for that now...
DRAGAN: What was the worst excuse you ever had for missing
a practice session?
DOLGO: Playing computer games with my friends :)
ALMA BASIC: Hi Alexandr! Do you think you can win and this
year at ATP Umag? Greettings from Rijeka,Croatia! ;)
DOLGO: I think I have good chances, if I perform well and some
luck... Greetings to Rijeka!!
IAM: Good luck,Dolgo
DOLGO: thank you!
LIZA: Why do you like Umag? Do you have fans
DOLGO: first of all, the matches start late :) and the people are
friendly and it's a nice place for a vacation so the atmosphere is
good... yes, after winning last year and a lot of Russian
LISA: do you use internet? for what? any social network
you prefer?
DOLGO: yes I do, to chat with friends... I use many social
networks including some Russian ones
IME: koju boju voliš? (your favorite
DOLGO: crnu (black)